Underdogma 1

Same Time Same Place

Graphics: Rico Weber

Same Time Same Place

A Film by Christian Ebert and Michael Weber

With Michael Weber
Featuring Sabine Böing, and many many others
Music Big Balls And The Great White Idiot
Camera, editor, director Christian Ebert

The Story

New York 2001. A middle-aged man travels from Brooklyn to Manhattan to hand over a small red package. When? Same time. Where? Same place. To whom? The appointment fails, the package ends up in the garbage. Nevertheless its contents disappear. How? Where to? Why? No matter, finally it is gone – quitting time – dinner, drinks, music. Back to Brooklyn. The moon rises over the East River. And there it is again, the package. Why so? Where from? Or is it another one? Start all over? And what is actually in it?